Spiritual Formation

A disciple is someone who is transformed by Christ, into the likeness of Christ, and for the sake of Christ's Kingdom. They "put on the Lord Jesus Christ, and [make] no provision for the flesh to gratify its desires (Romans 13:11-14 CSB). At Sanctuary Columbus Church, spiritual formation is the lifelong process by which someone does the work of "putting on Christ." 

In “The Divine Conspiracy,” philosopher, theologian, and professor, Dallas Willard, came up with the Golden Triangle of Spiritual Growth to visually describe the elements of the spiritual formation process as our intentional engagement in planned disciplines that occur within the context of the trials or ordinary events of life, which ultimately shape us into the likeness of Jesus as we submit to the transforming power of the Holy Spirit. Being a part of the Sanctuary Columbus Framily means we are committed to engaging in this process of spiritual formation together

Sanctuary Groups

Find a Sanctuary Group where you can be known, know God, and to more deeply know yourself.


At Sanctuary Columbus Church, classes are temporary, topic-focused, educational spaces where Framily comes together to learn more about who God is and how God would have us to live.

Spiritual Direction

Spiritual Direction is a ministry of companionship between you, a trained spiritual director, and the Holy Spirit. This is a relationship where we learn to notice and pay attention to the presence of God in your daily life.

Upcoming Spiritual Formation Events & Classes