Old Made New: 2022 Facilities Updates
January 18, 2023 3:39 AM
In 2022, our Royal City Kids’ entryway and check-in area, as well as the sanctuary and basement received enhancements, thanks to strategic, economical and keen design planning.
- New carpet in the sanctuary: When we originally moved in the building, our desire was to replace the old, stained carpet... but it was not in the budget. A darker color in the Sanctuary actually brightens up the space and will hide all of our coffee stains!
- New paint in the basement hallway and rooms. In order to provide a nice comfortable space for a conference, our very own Joel Walton cleaned and brightened the basement as a gift to us. We only provided the supplies and cost of the paint!
- A new and improved RCK entrance: This came about during COVID – we wanted to provide our families with a safer, more secure area to register and drop off their children. We desired for this space to be dedicated to our RCK families with a higher level of precaution, as well as some space to run around. Updates made include:
- New check-in desk, thanks to carpentry by our very own, Andrew Reep, of Modern Furniture. We also worked with a local woman-owned business for our logo design on this rolling desk.
- New floors in the entryway. Unfortunately, the vinyl tile that was laid down did not hold up due to a previous chemical used for asbestos. The good news for SCC is that the flooring company did the work for free!
- A whitewash on the brick – this brightens up the space and coincides with the whitewash brick we have in the Sanctuary providing some consistency in the building.
I so enjoy the opportunity to design various spaces at SCC! I love being able to turn a space into something beautiful Sanctuary can use for various events for our church Framily as well as the community.
As Sanctuary grows, I am looking forward to refreshing spaces that are currently in the original state of the previous church!