Framily Meeting: Recap
January 26, 2022 4:01 AM
God chooses to arrange us together, and together, we are writing a wonderful story (1 Cor. 12:18).
Did you have a chance to join our Framily Meeting last Sunday via Zoom?
We heard from Pastor Rich and Elders Y'Nesha Schaffer, who opened and prayed for our time; Gretchen Greenawalt who invited us to join in the Elder nomination process, and who shared how we've specifically cared for one another in 2021; Micah Whitt on finances, including our two-year budget surplus and generous giving; and Jason Chang.
Quick Links:
Watch the entire meeting
Check out Pastor Rich's video update with encouragement, stats and visioncasing
Call for new Elder nominations
Overview of Eldership at Sanctuary Columbus Church
5 C's of Church Leadership
Overview of Care and Benevolence
Save the Date for the Elder/Leadership Interest Meeting Mon., Feb 7 at 7 p.m. in the sanctuary.
Exciting News - March 6 we go to TWO SERVICES
This is a step of faith, especially in unceratin times. But we are certain that God is moving and expanding Sanctuary Columbus! Please pray God would raise up volunteers to help us cover all shifts for Royal City Kids, sound and tech, worship and Connections. To volunteer, please connect with Director of Operations, Terry Chi.
As Pastor Rich said,
"We are a people of Micah 6:8, a multiracial community fighting for all people to be free from white supremacy and Christian nationalism," and "rejoicing with those who rejoice, and weeping with those who weep."
During a year in which we've had opportunities for rejoicing, and also for grieving and lamenting, we find ourselves to grateful to have one another as Framily.
After watching the meeting, if you have any questions, please reach out to us at