Day 2 - United in One Heart and One Mind
February 18, 2021 2:41 PM
Acts 1:13-14 (TPT)Arriving in Jerusalem, they went into a large second-floor room to pray. Those present were Peter, John, Jacob, Andrew, Philip, Thomas, Bartholomew, Matthew, Jacob (the son of Alpheus), Simon (the zealot), Judas (the son of Jacob), and a number of women, including Mary, Jesus’ mother. His brothers were there as well. All of them (120 believers) were united in prayer, gripped with one passion, interceding night and day.
Before Jesus ascended to Heaven, He told his followers to stay together and wait for the gift of the Holy Spirit. 120 followers waited and prayed together for 10 days in an upper room of Jerusalem. They were in one accord, “gripped with one passion,” praying continually, until they experienced the gift of the Holy Spirit, together.
The filling of the Holy Spirit was uniquely experienced along with the evidence of that gift, speaking in tongues, which they received individually in varying languages. The catalyst of their Holy Spirit encounter was their persistent prayer of one mind and one heart.
Father, search me and show me any areas of stubbornness, selfishness or apathy in me. Are there parts of me that are so guarded where I haven’t let Christ in? Are there areas those I trust can't reach me?